If you’ve just been accepted into the Disney College Program, congratulations! You are about to embark on an amazing journey where you will learn so much, create joy and happiness for others, and make memories that last a lifetime! Now that you’ve been accepted into the program and are about to head to your program soon, it’s time to start thinking about packing. Getting everything ready and figuring out exactly what you need can be somewhat overwhelming. Pink and Pixie Dust is here to help with our guide to packing for the Disney College Program!


When deciding which clothing to pack, you will want to bring lots of good basics. These should be clothing items that you are comfortable in and can easily mix and match with one another. You will also want to primarily pack clothes that are ideal for warmer temperatures, like shorts, tee shirts, and sundresses. Throughout the vast majority of the year, it remains warm, if not very hot, in central Florida. But, also be prepared with a couple of warmer clothing options. Many are surprised to learn that it actually can become quite chilly in Florida, down to 30-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Although this certainly isn’t common, it may still become cold during some points of the year. Even on warm day, it could become colder in the evening. Be prepared with a couple of sweatshirts, pants, and clothes that can be easily layered.

On top of your basics, you may want to bring a couple of special clothing items. For example, a nice outfit if you were to go to eat at one of the nicer restaurants on property or holiday attire if you are there during the holidays. In addition, you will also want to pack 2-3 business casual appropriate outfits. These could be blouses, dress shirts, trousers, skirts, or dresses that would be considered appropriate to wear to an important meeting or an office job. Throughout your program, you will be needing this attire for a multitude of events. This will include traditions, training, classes through Disney Programs, networking events, and so forth. You will not need an abundance of business casual outfits, but you will want a good 2-3 full outfits that you can rotate between or even mix and match.

When packing shoes, make sure every pair you decide to bring is first and foremost comfortable. During your program, you will be doing more walking than you ever have before! Between working and visiting the parks, it is not uncommon to exceed 6-8 miles of walking in a single day. Once you ensure your shoes are comfortable, you’ll want to bring just a few pairs that will encompass all of your needs. At Pink and Pixie Dust, we recommend 2 pairs of sneakers/gym shoes, 1-2 pairs of sandals, flip flops, and a business casual appropriate, nice pair of shoes, such as flats, heels, or loafers.

While working during your program, you will be provided by Disney with your costume. A costume at Disney refers to what you will be wearing while working, usually matching the theming of your work location. On top of your costume, you likely will need to supply for yourself additional items for wearing to work, such as shoes, socks, and a watch. Each location has different requirements as to what these will be, so we recommend waiting to purchase these items until you are told specifically what you will need.


When it comes to packing toiletries, you will need what you typically would use while at home or at college. Some of the basics include a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, moisturizer, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and so forth. Besides the basics, everyone may typically use different items. We recommend making a list of what you will need by walking yourself through your typical getting ready routine and writing each item down as you use it. This is a helpful way to make sure you account for everything you need.

Apartment Essentials:

The apartments you will be living in at Flamingo Crossing’s Village come fully furnished, but there are still a couple of items you will need to provide. In your room, you will need to pack or plan to purchase bedding, hangers, and towels. Depending on your apartment style, you will either need bedding that fits a twin xl or a full size. You will find out which kind you will need when you are assigned your apartment style a couple of weeks before arrival.

In your kitchen, in addition to basic appliances, you will be supplied with silverware, plates, bowls, glassware, and pots and pans. Although most items are supplied, there are a few item you may also want or need. These items could include a coffee maker, a toaster, a spatula, a large cooking spoon, coffee mugs, a baking sheet, a water bottle, and tupperware containers. For some items, you may want to wait until you move in. Some of your roommates may have already brought the item and would be willing to share. For the remaining shared items needed, then you can divide the list of who will purchase those items.

Learn more about Flamingo Crossing Village apartments here!


While on your program, you will likely want to decorate your room and your apartment. This is a great way to make it feel homey and cozy! When packing or purchasing decorations, bring those which take little space to pack, such as garland or photos. You can also turn some of your belongings into decor as well! A really cute idea it to utilize command hooks to hang your Minnie ears on the wall! This is a great way to store these, as well as a really easy way to decorate. Depending on whether you are participating in the fall of spring program, you may have some holidays you will like to celebrate with special decorations as well! When deciding what to bring, remember to not over pack on decorations, just a few will make your apartment feel like home!

Additional Supplies:

You will also want to consider which months of the year you will be at Walt Disney World for. Throughout the entire year, but especially during the months of June through November, Florida will rain on most days. You will want to be prepared with rain gear, such as an umbrella and rain poncho, for you never know when a quick rain shower will appear!

Other Tips:

Don’t pack too much! Remember that everything you bring to your program, you must also be able to bring home. You will also likely want to purchase clothing and souvenirs while on your program. This will add to your total belongings while on the program that you must bring home, so don’t bring too much where you won’t be able to get the couple of souvenirs you want!

Now it’s time to get packing! Have an amazing program!

To learn more about the DCP, check out our blog post here.

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