As a participant on the Disney College Program, you will have the most wonderful time an experience getting to create magic and happiness for people from all over the world! Besides getting to play a role in creating happy memories for others, you will also have the opportunity to create happy memories of your own throughout your program. From visiting the parks with friends to attending classes and events offered to college program participants, you will have so many great experiences. Throughout your program, you’ll create so many wonderful memories that you will absolutely want to be able to look back on. A great way to be able to look back on those memories it through documenting you program. There are so many fun and creative ways to go about this. Today at Pink and Pixie Dust we’re sharing 5 creative ways to document and remember your Disney College Program!

1. Scrapbook

Disney Princess Storybook JournalsOne popular way to remember your Disney College Program is through creating a scrapbook! In these books, you can tape and glue in photos and paper items from throughout your program. For example, you can include thin items such as your “earning my ears” ribbon, or your Disney programs magnet you will receive. If you collect any Mickey stickers from throughout your program, these are also a fun thing to decorate your scrapbook with! There are so many fun possibilities when you create your scrapbook with lots of ways to be creative!

If you choose to create a scrapbook, one really cute way you could create this is by using a Disney storybook. When visiting the parks, many merchandise locations sell journals that are replicas of storybooks from beloved Disney stories. For example, there are journal replicas of the storybooks from Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and The Frog Prince from Princess and the Frog. You can also find other journal replicas, such as Gusteau’s Cookbook from Ratatouille and the Adventure Book from Up. These charming journals come with blank lined pages on the inside. Filling one of these with photos and other memories is a super cute way to create your DCP scrapbook!

2. Photo Book

Similar to a scrapbook, a photo book is a book dedicated to just photos. This is a great way to be able to have a tangible form of all of the wonderful photos you take during the duration of your program! Although it is always nice to look back on photos through your phone, there is something special about having a tangible photo to look at!

Printed Photograph Photo Book

There are two great ways you can go about creating a photo book of your own. First is utilizing printed photographs. After printing out all of the photos you would like to include, you can place them into a photo book with clear plastic sleeves. These photo books have clear slots where your photo will slide into place. After adding all of your photos, you can flip through all of the pages of photos. Books like this are available in a variety of sizes, with some fitting one one photo per page and other up to four per page. One thing to keep in mind is that most photo books are designed for 4×6″ photographs, so you will want to print pictures in that size. If you would like a Disney specific photo book, in the parks you can find many different options that say Walt Disney World on them.

Digitally Designed and Printed Photo Book

Another way you can create a photo book is through a digital photo book creator. Many different companies, such as Shutterfly and Walgreens Photo, allow you to design a photo book and have it printed. To create these, you’ll go in online to the company’s website and use their photo book design platform. Here you’ll be able to design the layout, place all of the photos, and add other design elements. After completing your book, you can order it and it will be made for you. These are a beautiful and sleek way to be able to look at lots of photographs from your program!

3. Autograph Book

Autograph books are a very popular souvenir when visiting the Disney parks. These are small books where you can collect signatures of Disney characters as you have the opportunity to meet them during your visit. Autograph books are available for purchase at most merchandise locations throughout the parks and resorts, as well as you can make your own with items from home. Official Disney autograph books are offered in different designs, with some even including slots for photos with the character next to where their signature would go.

Character Autographs

There are two very cute ways you can go about remembering your program through an autograph book. The first is in the traditional use of autograph books, collecting autographs from every character you meet during your program! If your book has the photo slides, make sure to include the pictures you took with these characters when you met them! But, if you book does not have these slides, you can also opt to use double sided tape to attach a printed photo to a blank page. If you choose to do this, make sure to leave a page next to where the character signed blank so you can add this photo later. After your program, you can look back on all of the wonderful characters you met!

An autograph book is also a perfect roommate gift you can give to each of your new roommates when starting your programs! Throughout your programs, you can work on meeting characters and working on filling up your autograph books together! Check out our blog post Disney College Program Roommate Gift Ideas for additional ideas your new roommates will love!

Friend Autographs

The second way you can remember your program through an autograph book is by asking all of the friends you made to sign you book! You can also ask your fellow cast members at your home work location to sign your book as well. Similar to a yearbook, this is a super cute way to remember all of those you’ve met during your program! You can choose to do this throughout your program, but many CP’s who have done this will choose to wait until then end of their program before asking everyone to sign. Just like with characters, if you have photos from throughout your program with those signing your book, you can add those into your book as well! This is a great way to specifically be able to remember all of the wonderful people you have met and the friendships you’ve made!

4. Memory Box

Another great way to save all of the memories is through keeping a memory box. You can utilize any box you may have, such as a shoe box, or can find decorative boxes at places like craft stores. Throughout your program, you can place in this box any little mementos, papers, and thing you collect. For example, this could include things such as your graduation Mickey ears, a cast compliment you received, Mickey stickers, or a celebration button! By then end of your program and after your program, you’ll be able to look back on this box of items tied to memories from throughout your DCP.

5. Journal

White Spiral JournalThroughout your program, one thing many people enjoy doing is keeping a journal. You can update your journal as many times as you wish, such as once a day, week, or month. In this, write what you’ve been up to during your program. You can include the parks you have gone to, Disney programs events you’ve attended, and other memories you’ve made! You can also write down any special magical moments you want to remember! By writing a journal and updating it regularly, you’ll be able to have a written account of your program. After your DCP comes to an end, you’ll be able to read this journal and be transported back to all of the memories you’ve made!

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